I have Mr. Johnson to thank for making me realize there is power in words. In 6th grade, girls were not allowed to be on Safety Patrol. I protested to our school principal (Mr. Johnson), asking him why that should be the case. He challenged me: write a one-page essay convincing him otherwise. (Ha, never let a good challenge go to waste.) I would love to think he was impressed with my lexical mastery, but really, I think he was tired of being bugged. My main line of intellectual reasoning went something like this: "Because it's just not FAIR!" He changed his policy and made me Lieutenant. It was a delicious win.
Social justice is still important to me, and is a central theme in Running from Moloka'i.
I live on Puget Sound in Washington state, My interests include designing and installing ponds and waterfalls, doing computer art, and playing pickleball.
If you are a young writer, attend film school if you can. Read quality literature. Above all, develop steel toes--they will come in handy.
Previous publications: educational curriculum, federal grant writing, children's.
Stream in back yard. Lots of work!
Do not do this unless you have a sense of humor.
In the end, it's worth it.